Explaining a significant hiatus

It has been a while since my head was clear enough to write anything here. Long story very short, I have a new job, closer to home, and am spending twice as much time with the kids. No more nannies. No more getting home after bed time. I’m doing work that I love, locally. IContinue reading “Explaining a significant hiatus”

grabby and crabby

I am insanely jealous of single people that live alone. I love my children. I love my husband. I like my cats a whole lot. I also would like to be by my fucking self occasionally. From the moment I arrive home, Rhys begins his whine. This isn’t just any whine, of course. The pitchContinue reading “grabby and crabby”

Unconditional Parenting

I’ve been cheating on my neglected blog with my sister’s well updated one. We both practice versions of Unconditional Parenting, and I’ve written a bit about my experiences with it there. Parenting is a wild ride, and when I was looking for tools to help me develop strong ties with my children, even through adversity,Continue reading “Unconditional Parenting”

Bad Mommy

I took my kids for a happy meal. We had a long weekend in San Francisco, and Sunday included a park at 7 am, photos in a firetruck on our way to the streetcar, followed by a streetcar ride to the Academy of Sciences for the Snakes exibit, another streetcar ride, burritos from Gordos (bestContinue reading “Bad Mommy”

Black and Bitter

I, like most other 12 and 13 year old kids living in my small Northern California town, ate up every stereotype. We dressed ourselves in thrift store chic. We smoked Marlboro Reds purchased by the homeless guy in front of 7-11. We listened to Nirvana and wept when Kurt Cobain decided his coffee drinking, music playing, flannel wearing life was no longer worth living.