Because I’m the boss…

On my drive home yesterday, I came up with an awesome way to explain Unconditional Parenting to y’all. Unconditional Parenting is almost exactly like being a good manager. • You talk to your children like they are adults that can make their own choices, while giving clear guidelines for behavior and setting reasonable expectations. •Continue reading “Because I’m the boss…”

grabby and crabby

I am insanely jealous of single people that live alone. I love my children. I love my husband. I like my cats a whole lot. I also would like to be by my fucking self occasionally. From the moment I arrive home, Rhys begins his whine. This isn’t just any whine, of course. The pitchContinue reading “grabby and crabby”

Unconditional Parenting

I’ve been cheating on my neglected blog with my sister’s well updated one. We both practice versions of Unconditional Parenting, and I’ve written a bit about my experiences with it there. Parenting is a wild ride, and when I was looking for tools to help me develop strong ties with my children, even through adversity,Continue reading “Unconditional Parenting”