What if

What if I just wrote for a while? What if I clicked on that forgot password button and reset my password and logged into my long-forgotten blog and read a few old posts and then wrote something down? Would it expose too much of me if I shared that I barely remember that girl whoContinue reading “What if”

What the ELF?

I’m not grinchy. Or scroogey. But I’m very fucking cranky about this whole “Elf on the Shelf” phenomenon. Eventually one of my children will see this elf in your home. And they will want one for OUR home. And that shit aint happening. Because we do not allow tattling. That Elf is nothing but a big ol’ tattle tale. I’m not having it. Not even a little.

Because I’m the boss…

On my drive home yesterday, I came up with an awesome way to explain Unconditional Parenting to y’all. Unconditional Parenting is almost exactly like being a good manager. • You talk to your children like they are adults that can make their own choices, while giving clear guidelines for behavior and setting reasonable expectations. •Continue reading “Because I’m the boss…”

I’m just not very good at anything today.

I’m cuddling with two kids and a cup of coffee. My house is a disaster, there is a long work day ahead, and I have done zero Christmas shopping. I have a 22 lb turkey AND a ham defrosting in my refrigerator for the 120 person family party on Saturday. Darian’s first dance performance isContinue reading “I’m just not very good at anything today.”

Fall is where it’s at-in my garden.

Yesterday, I failed miserably at unconditional parenting. My patience with them was short. Rhys is going through something annoying, and Jared is working all weekend. It took us an hour of screaming and tears (mine and his) to get clothes on my little man. I’m dedicated to doing things differently today. This includes giving theContinue reading “Fall is where it’s at-in my garden.”

A to Z- Random shit about me

I was inspired to do this by Erin at Bows and Sparrows, who has a smashin’ fashion blog in Sacramento. She has this feature called closet case and she featured my amazing cousin several months ago. For me, the site is pure eye candy, and Erin seems like such a fun chick. So here isContinue reading “A to Z- Random shit about me”

The best damn potluck salad ever

I love to party. Specifically, to attend or throw a party where everyone brings something to share. This past weekend, I hosted a bunch of folks at my house for a BBQ and made my favorite no fuss side salad.. My husband perfected his ribs (I’m planning to convince him to make this a familyContinue reading “The best damn potluck salad ever”