Explaining a significant hiatus

It has been a while since my head was clear enough to write anything here. Long story very short, I have a new job, closer to home, and am spending twice as much time with the kids. No more nannies. No more getting home after bed time. I’m doing work that I love, locally. IContinue reading “Explaining a significant hiatus”

I’m just not very good at anything today.

I’m cuddling with two kids and a cup of coffee. My house is a disaster, there is a long work day ahead, and I have done zero Christmas shopping. I have a 22 lb turkey AND a ham defrosting in my refrigerator for the 120 person family party on Saturday. Darian’s first dance performance isContinue reading “I’m just not very good at anything today.”

A to Z- Random shit about me

I was inspired to do this by Erin at Bows and Sparrows, who has a smashin’ fashion blog in Sacramento. She has this feature called closet case and she featured my amazing cousin several months ago. For me, the site is pure eye candy, and Erin seems like such a fun chick. So here isContinue reading “A to Z- Random shit about me”

The best damn potluck salad ever

I love to party. Specifically, to attend or throw a party where everyone brings something to share. This past weekend, I hosted a bunch of folks at my house for a BBQ and made my favorite no fuss side salad.. My husband perfected his ribs (I’m planning to convince him to make this a familyContinue reading “The best damn potluck salad ever”

Bad Mommy

I took my kids for a happy meal. We had a long weekend in San Francisco, and Sunday included a park at 7 am, photos in a firetruck on our way to the streetcar, followed by a streetcar ride to the Academy of Sciences for the Snakes exibit, another streetcar ride, burritos from Gordos (bestContinue reading “Bad Mommy”

Farmer’s Market

I was thrilled that Darian took a nap today. She woke up shortly before I arrived home, and we all got to walk down to the farmer’s market together. I’m guessing her body needed some rest to heal the enormous gash in her forehead from this morning. It was a little late for us toContinue reading “Farmer’s Market”

Simple things I love in the morning

This cup of coffee (or 3), without which I might cry all morning. Finding this photo of Darian:           Green plants,  growing strong in this cold wet spring, indoors Seed catalogs The smell of bacon in the oven Being picked up for work. Interesting conversation. This song by Adele. The sunContinue reading “Simple things I love in the morning”

Black and Bitter

I, like most other 12 and 13 year old kids living in my small Northern California town, ate up every stereotype. We dressed ourselves in thrift store chic. We smoked Marlboro Reds purchased by the homeless guy in front of 7-11. We listened to Nirvana and wept when Kurt Cobain decided his coffee drinking, music playing, flannel wearing life was no longer worth living.