Explaining a significant hiatus

It has been a while since my head was clear enough to write anything here. Long story very short, I have a new job, closer to home, and am spending twice as much time with the kids. No more nannies. No more getting home after bed time. I’m doing work that I love, locally. IContinue reading “Explaining a significant hiatus”

I’m just not very good at anything today.

I’m cuddling with two kids and a cup of coffee. My house is a disaster, there is a long work day ahead, and I have done zero Christmas shopping. I have a 22 lb turkey AND a ham defrosting in my refrigerator for the 120 person family party on Saturday. Darian’s first dance performance isContinue reading “I’m just not very good at anything today.”

grabby and crabby

I am insanely jealous of single people that live alone. I love my children. I love my husband. I like my cats a whole lot. I also would like to be by my fucking self occasionally. From the moment I arrive home, Rhys begins his whine. This isn’t just any whine, of course. The pitchContinue reading “grabby and crabby”

Clean Being

I’m just not built to clean. I’m built to soothe, joke, cook, laugh, drink, read, garden, kiss, love, work and write. Not so much built for washing, folding, bed making, sweeping, wiping, mopping and my arch nemesis…putting laundry away. I DO clean, but I’m not good at maintaining cleanliness. I LOVE a clean house. IContinue reading “Clean Being”

I Want I Want I Want

Bees and a hive. My chickens to be here and their house to be finished. A goat. A kegerator. Rain barrels. 2 less plum trees in my backyard. (Yes, Bill, you can have ’em.) The time and money to do/get these things and to be able to play with them all day. Nice weather, aContinue reading “I Want I Want I Want”